Archive for June, 2015

Brace yourself – it’s going to be a bumpy ride

June 30th, 2015

Building a house is like severe air turbulence – you don’t know how bad it’s going to get or if you will survive the flight. Now as most of us know, the bumps will subside, the plane will land and you will be on to your next adventure. With building a house you are stuck inside the plane forever.

Here is a nifty video of it raining inside a house that was “water tight”.

As posted on

My builder gave me this schedule and then denied ever giving it to me.
As of today 100% over schedule and no end in site, no work on the house for weeks. Bankers, lawyers, nasty social media, mistakes, more mistakes, and rain in the house.
I’d avoid Anthony Odai construction like the plague. He and his wife Wendi are only slightly less idiots than I – for hiring Them.


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My builder is a complete fuck up.

June 26th, 2015

Anthony Odai, unprofessional. Details?

How about thousands of gallons of water pouring in the house after the windows have been installed? Speaking of water – he blew off the water company for over two months. They are not happy with him… And, oh yeah, on Tuesday 6-30-15, the house was to have been finished. Unfortunately we are less than 50% done. Yes, folks 100% behind schedule.

Yep, a complete fuck up.

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Building a house is not for the faint of heart

June 12th, 2015

My cousin suggested I start a diary of my house building experience. I can tell you that hiring the right contractor is a good place to start. Unfortunately, I didn’t hire the right contractor or the right Architect. So, believe them when they tell you – it will take twice as long and cost a whole lot more than you planned for.

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