Sierra Pacific Windows – Saga Continues

As it so happens when Sierra Pacific Rep John Tilly from Denver came down to look at the windows/doors, the local guy JJ Ruiz, came by the house too. I’ve got the video of their visit.

So, let’s back up, starting with 1) JJ’s good pals with the screw-up builder Anthony Odai, 2) #1 creates a trust issue. 3) Then I find out I’m being charged more than the windows actually cost (integrity issue on both the window provider Sierra Pacific but my builder is cost plus – so he’s potentially skimming or getting a kick-back.)

Windows ordered from Sierra Pacific for 26K for the entire house, windows are delivered faster than scheduled – most excellent – thanks @SierraPacWindow

Windows are installed before the house is ‘dry’ and upwards of 10,000 gallons of water-soaked 8 windows and doors – inspector John Tilly comes down from Denver 7 of which were deemed ‘unwarrantable’ – yeah @SierraPacWindow

April-June: Santa Fe foothills receives between 200-400% above normal rain fall – no kidding.

June 24th After some work Sierra Pacific sends John Tilly down from Denver. JJ Ruiz joins him during the inspection

Builder is having to replace the windows. And his same shitty team will install the new ones, maybe this time they will do a better job.

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